Saturday, June 8, 2013

Starting new! Anew.

Well, crap.

Starting my fresh start has obviously not been the roaring success one might wish. So here am I, keeping it... simpler.

And of course since this is really only meant for an audience of one, I can say things like:
"Last night I completed the interim business plan, and this afternoon I implemented the web transfer I worked up in the personal journal"
without explaining what EITHER of those is really about!  (Ha! Suck it, disinterested Internet masses!)

The current plan is a daily forgiveness: today I forgive my sister, whose mental instability makes it impossible to spend time around those of my relatives she lives with.

And three items of gratitude: Today I am thankful for (and here internet privacy bit gets a bit dodgy):
that lady in North Hollywood, who gives me hope and a Reason To Go On,
The lady in Cincinnati, who reminds me that the future is Always Worth It,
and my mother, who whether she meant to or not taught me that Homo ad astra is should be all men's motto.

and finally, two action items to recreate myself as  a billionaire entrepreneur-inventor:
Work up a "to-call" List for the next week,
and reanalyze the numbers for cold-call hits vs misses.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

You Don't Know Me. Let's Keep it That Way.

I have a whole online persona, and live much of my life online. This is NOT that.

People who meet me – the other me – universally remark that who I am online is exactly who I am in person. People who know me from the Internet tend to know me just as well as people who met me in meatspace. Most of THEM seem to interact with me just as though we had known each other IRL as long as we have online. It's a bit creepy actually.

BUT, if I told any of them that I doubted my faith, they would look at me like I had suddenly grown a second head. I am a person of outspoken opinions, and I've been outspoken about them for decades. Not knowing my opinion on a subject usually only happens if we don't have a language in common.

So, here am I, live-blogging my struggle with faith.  Only not really being open about who this "I" person is.

Who knows, maybe it works better this way. Better or no, this is how it has to be, for the time being at least.